Jason and I are home in Arkansas for 6 weeks for a job that Jason got at the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre. He's musically directing "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and he's having a great time! So the blogging purposes have switched. For the next 6 weeks, we will blog for the benefit of our New York family, as our Arkansas family is all around us!
Last weekend, we traveled up to Fayetteville for cousin Ben's 3rd birthday. The weather was "iffy" all weekend. These are some shots of the clouds rolling around in the hills as we came up the mountain.

I forget how easy it is to watch the weather down here. There aren't any skyscrapers to get in the way!

The clouds look close enough to touch...

Ben had a pirate party! What a cutie!

He was so great all weekend with Sam. He seemed so concerned when Sam would cry and he would ask what was wrong.

And Aunt Emily was such a sport letting us try out all of the new toys she has for baby Noel (coming to a Burrow near you in June!)

Gran and Grandad got Ben his very own "ipad." His new Ixl was a hit! He can color, and read stories, and play games, and so much more!!

And the piece de resistance of the weekend.....a power wheels john deere tractor!!

I was so impressed at how well he drove this thing! An expert, really...

Samuel did great! He loved being outdoors (another thing that is quite different than in New York.) We have parks, of course- but it takes a little travel to get to them. Here, they're right outside in your backyard!!

It was such a great weekend with family! We loved every minute.

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