Last week, I took Samuel to the botanical gardens in Brooklyn. They have a cherry blossom orchard and the blooms were at their peak. I've been wanting to go since we moved to New York I finally did!

The website for the gardens has a map that shows you when the blooms are at their peak. I saw that all of the trees were at their peak bloom, so I panicked and thought we HAVE TO get out there! I was right...beautiful!

If we had waited one more week, the blooms would have been gone. I think Samuel was a little over the whole thing though.

The botanical gardens are great. And there was plenty to see besides the cherry blossoms.

Sam "standing" in a tree. I'm excited for when he can do this without helpful hands from behind...

I can't believe it has only been 3 months since Samuel came into the world. I honestly feel like we've had him for a few years now! It's a comfort really. Any time I feel like "I should really have this figured out by now!!" I just step back and say "'s only been 3 months!!"

Jason loves when I take pictures of Sam, Joe, and Alice. He thinks they look like little hams in a deli case. Pretty darn cute hams I say!

This is Joe and his mom, Amy.

We went to Boston for Mother's Day weekend to see Uncle Josh and Aunt Juli. We had an awesome time, even though the weather was a little yucky. It was so nice to get out of the city for a little while; I felt like we were gone for 3 or 4 days when we were really gone for less than 2.

We love having Juli and Josh so close. We even drove! We rented our first zipcar for the trip! We got a Prius and while I was happy driving such an environmentally friendly car, I was so uncomfortable! It was TEENY TINY!! We laughed the whole time because of how small the car was and how huge we felt being in it!!

Josh and Juli took us to a lovely Mother's Day brunch where Sam just couldn't resist dipping into the Sangria.

Happy Mother's Day! My 1st!

And these are just a few pictures I grabbed during some of his happier times last week.

He's starting to look like such a little boy!!!
1 comment:
Beautiful photos! And happy first Mothers Day!
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