Last week, Jason's brother, Jim, and his wife, Emily, came up to visit. Emily is expecting their second child in June so they used the trip as a "babymoon" and to visit baby Sam.

Jason and Jim look very similar and I think, by the look of this picture, Samuel was pretty comfortable on Uncle Jim's chest.

Emily had this onesie (along with a burpcloth and a little green hat) custom made for Sam. I put him in it the very next day because I loved it so much!

Burrow males...

We had quite the busy week. I discovered places to breastfeed all over the city!! I thought this statue in the Metropolitan Museum of Art was an appropriate tribute to the afternoon I spent with Sam in a quiet handicapped bathroom stall.

Jim and Em saw 2 shows: "Spiderman" and "Phantom of the Opera." We visited Grand Central Terminal, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and an Italian market called "Eataly." We went to Chinatown and had some amazing hand pulled noodles that we heard about on the Food Network. We had brunch in the middle of the week and made a stop at the maternity store for Emily. But mostly, we talked and spent time with Samuel.
He spent most of the week in his sling but here he is making an "appearance" at dinner one night; or at least his fingers are.

We are so lucky to have such wonderful family who will come visit us. I guess it helps that the city we live in is such a hot ticket item!

Here's one for the grandparents' mantle! Thank goodness New York City is such a "small" town; we ran into a friend, Shannon, outside Central Park and she snapped this shot of all 5 of us. Thanks for the visit, guys!

Our friends Neil and Michelle came by last weekend with their daughter, Tabitha. She's 18 months and completely adorable. She made sure all of Samuel's toys were suitable by going through all of them and playing with them. And when Sam finally made an appearance, she really enjoyed lightly tugging on his little tufts of hair. He didn't even notice...

Vaccinations!! Samuel got his first set this week. I thought I'd be a little more torn up watching him go through this but I was actually ok. Poor little guy.

It's ok!! It's all for good; I promise!

And here are some more "angelic" shots I took one day while he lounged on his changing table. He loves that thing! He could spend the whole day there if I would let him.

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