I am really enjoying being a mom and all that it entails but I've been going a little stir crazy sitting around my apartment while Jason works 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week. I have wonderful friends who come to visit but Jason and I work so well as a couple that there really isn't a substitute. I've been trying to find little things to do outside the apartment. My 1st trip was to the grocery store 7 blocks away. We needed cat food so I bundled Sam up in his new carseat and stroller and off we went. The rain canopy is really meant for the stroller without the carseat attached but I made do.

We were gone for all of an hour but it felt really nice to be out in the sunshine and wind. Sam slept the entire way-cars and ambulance sirens blaring and all. What a New York baby! We have also been to the UPS store. I felt I had to go introduce him to the people who had been caring for all his presents these last few months.

And here are a few pictures of Samuel in his bouncy seat. He's still a little small for it so we don't sit in it very long but I think he's really going to like it eventually. I can't believe he's 2 1/2 weeks old already!

I love these pants! Baby gap...

Today, we met Jason down in Chelsea to buy a few things at Buy Buy Baby. This was our longest outing so far. It went fairly well. We rode the subway all the way down to 14th street where we met Jason after a rehearsal and then walked up to 25th street. We shopped and he slept. He also got two diaper changes whilst in the store. It has felt great to get out and make sure the world is still happening.

While I was pregnant, I thought of how cute it was going to be for Samuel to sleep on Jason. I was right:)

Last week, Gran and Grandad came up from Arkansas to visit for the weekend and meet baby Sam. We had a wonderful time doing absolutely nothing except cuddling with the baby all day and sitting around in our pajamas and cooking. Thanks for traveling so far Gran and Grandad!! We miss you already!

Jason played at Carnegie Hall last weekend and his parents got to go watch. He was the accompanist for a 150 piece children's choir.

He even got his own dressing room with his name on the door and everything!!

And a piano in the dressing room in case he needed to run through a few last minute parts of the music. Very exciting! Congrats, Jason/Dad!!

Jason snapped this photo the other night right as he walked in the door from work. What a little old man!

That's all for now, folks. Stay tuned...
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