Last weekend we went shopping a little. We went to Macy's at Herald Square and found some adorable stuff for me. I bought a dress and a black and white print skirt. I was sooo excited to wear my skirt on friday and I was feeling G-O-O-D when I put it on and trotted myself to work. When I sat down on the train, I noticed that my skirt made a funny sound against the plastic seat. I looked down and what did I see? The magnetic tag that they're supposed to remove when you purchase the garment. Boy oh boy did they get a kick out of me at work. Jason came and brought me some jeans and he went and took care of it. It's because we bought it at the make-up counter and they don't have one of those stupid things that removes the tags.
While Jason was getting it removed, I thought "Hmm, I'll bet they didn't take it off the dress I bought either." And sure enough, when I came home and looked at it, there it was....staring at me and grinning. That stupid magnetic tag attached to the left side of the dress!!!
So here's the dress. It really is adorable. I haven't bought a dress in years.
We have a roommate right now. His name is Ryan. He moved in with us until he leaves for the summer to go to a theatre. His birthday was this week so we all went out to celebrate at one of his favorite Mexican restaurants. He worked at the Barn with us last summer so we used this celebration as an excuse to get all the kids from the company out and have a little reunion.
When you have a birthday at this place, they bring out a piece of chocolate cake with a big sparkler in it, turn on the disco ball, pump up the music and play a random medley of birthday songs mixed with La Bamba. They also bring a shot of tequila and a sombrero for the birthday person to wear. Its crazy but hilarious, as you can see from my face...

These are some of our friends from the summer. This is Colleen and Bobby.
This is our friend Caroline.
This is actually a picture we took several weeks ago. We were walking somewhere on the upper west side and we came up on this restaurant that looked really familiar. It's the restaurant from "You've Got Mail" that Tom Hanks stands outside of while Meg Ryan is waiting inside to meet her secret email crush. We love this movie so we had to have our picture in front of it.

And then I made Jason try and re-enact Tom Hanks standing at the gate in front. He just wouldn't get into it though. Ah well....this will have to do.

Here are more pictures from work. This is one of the girls I work with. Her name is Mariela. She and the girl in the background (Stephanie) work with the draper next to me. This is a boa for Wicked. Its H-U-G-E!!!! The feathers are dyed specially and then the whole thing is put together by someone outside our shop. Its not even for a neck. Its a sleeve. The girls couldn't resist playing around with it when it was delivered.

This is Steph wearing it like it will be worn eventually.
We've been working a lot of overtime lately because we're shipping out Wicked Australia soon. My shop works on all of Glinda's costumes and all of the Emerald City costumes. Hence all the green things. My team makes 4 or 5 different costumes. This is a collar that I worked on. I wrapped the wires in fabric, gluing every once in a while to ensure it wouldn't unravel...

and then I covered it in fabric. Then a bunch of trim is applied.

Here's something really exciting. Shrek is coming to broadway. My shop is working on Shrek, Fiona, and some other random characters. The team next to me is doing Shrek so I snapped a couple of shots from my table of the fat suit they're working on. She's using a bunch of different materials to create different looks for padding. The new material that is all the rage right now is micro-beads. People are discovering all kinds of things to do with them.
The bottom of the belly is accomplished using the micro-beads shoved into long tubes and stitched in the u-pattern you see.
And then I made Jason try and re-enact Tom Hanks standing at the gate in front. He just wouldn't get into it though. Ah well....this will have to do.
Here are more pictures from work. This is one of the girls I work with. Her name is Mariela. She and the girl in the background (Stephanie) work with the draper next to me. This is a boa for Wicked. Its H-U-G-E!!!! The feathers are dyed specially and then the whole thing is put together by someone outside our shop. Its not even for a neck. Its a sleeve. The girls couldn't resist playing around with it when it was delivered.
This is Steph wearing it like it will be worn eventually.
and then I covered it in fabric. Then a bunch of trim is applied.
Here's something really exciting. Shrek is coming to broadway. My shop is working on Shrek, Fiona, and some other random characters. The team next to me is doing Shrek so I snapped a couple of shots from my table of the fat suit they're working on. She's using a bunch of different materials to create different looks for padding. The new material that is all the rage right now is micro-beads. People are discovering all kinds of things to do with them.
And of course, what post would be complete without our crazy feline friend, the Devil. I've been working like a mad woman to finish a couple of quilts to take home to the new babies in Arkansas and for some reason, every time I leave one of them unattended, the cat finds the spare batting hanging out and curls up on it. Its really weird. I think we're just going to buy her some so we don't have to wash all of the quilts 4 and 5 times.
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