So I know we've technically lived in this space since January, but I figured it was new to all of you so I thought I'd put up some pictures to show our lovely hovel. We really love it. We're slowly working on acquiring things like lamps and bookshelves and things. Its enough for us that we have our HUGE king size bed.
Jason had to tell our cat, Gypsy (lovingly referred to as "the Devil") to stay quiet in the new apartment so that noone would know she was living here.
So this is our bedroom. Please disregard the mess. This is the night after we moved all of our stuff in. So thats why there are bins and things all over the floor.
The apartment is a "railroad" style apartment. So its really long. This is the living room, which is connected to the bedroom. The front door is on the right. Again, pardon the bins...and tiny TV. You can see into the next room which is...
KITCHEN!! This is the view from the other side of the kitchen into the living room. Again...mess.
So this is what we're calling "the red room". Its like an office and will eventually have some form of a piano in it. This picture is taken from the kitchen.
Yea! Welcome to blogspot! Can't wait to see more!
love the place! good to see that you are living your dreams!!!
I love it! Glad to have a way to 'keep up' with your interesting adventures. Sam, I love the curly hair! Any tips for Emma?!
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