EEEEEK!! It's been forever since we posted anything. We must be pretty busy.
So I work at a broadway costume shop...right? This may sound glamorous but most days its just the same ol' same ol'. My technical job title is "assistant". I'm a draper's assistant. The next step up would be a draper, which is pretty much as far as I could go unless I tried to own the shop...which I definitely don't want to do. I would love to be a draper some day just not any time soon. I'm still learning too much every day. My day starts at 6:30 every day when I wake up. I spend the morning alone usually because Jason doesn't have to be up as early. I leave the house by 7:40 to walk to the train (sometimes I can catch a bus down to the train station but most mornings I just walk). I get off the train station at times square and walk down to work and I'm usually there by 8:25. Just enough time to prepare a cup of tea and get myself settled in for the day. Then, depending on whats happening in the shop at that time of the year, I get started with my projects. Lately I've been doing a lot of different stuff.
This is a dress I worked on recently for a touring show in China. Its for Disney...yes its the Cinderella ball gown. I worked on this project for about 3 weeks. I know you can't tell but there's a very sheer layer of light blue net that is the outside layer of the skirt. There are small glued on jewels all around this piece of net. I put each one on individually. It took me 4 days. Heres a more detailed picture.
I also work on The Little Mermaid. Again, I put a lot of heat set jewels on the wedding dress for the end of the show. These are just process shots. I actually have to ask permission because its Disney. So this post could disappear. We'll see.
What a creative life you lead! Your work is must take patience. I recognize Betsy! She's the daughter of a friend of mine.
Will you make my wedding dress look just like that? :)
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