Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Opening Night!!!

I opened my very first Broadway show on Sunday night. It was an experience I hope to never forget. It was sort of like a wedding day or prom. You know when the day starts so early and there never seems to be a chance to stop and relax? I got 1 free ticket for a guest and 2 party passes (obviously Jason took that one). But our friends Caroline and BJ wanted to attend so I found a way for them to purchase tickets as well (they each came with a party pass too so they were with us for the whole event). It's good to have friends with you at parties that are as big as this one was going to be.

I started my day at 6:30 in the morning, waking up to get ready for a day work call at another show ("In the Heights"). I started working there at 8:30 (just pressing and ironing clothes) and left around 11:30. I then went to my own theatre to do the exact same thing. The other 14 dressers were there with me. It was a very exciting time. We made all of our clothes look absolutely perfect for opening night from 12-4. Then I had 1 hour to go and get my hair blown out and set before I had to be back at the show to get the actors ready.
When I got back to the theatre at 5, the magic started. There were sooo many gifts everywhere. From our supervisors, from the producers, from the actors, from eachother.....it was incredible. It was like Christmas morning only broadway style. And it just kept going.

These were the gifts from our supervisors. We each got a bottle of wine (our choice-red or white) with specially designed Ragtime labels on them and all of our names listed. I never want to drink it. We also each got an apron with the logo on it. I know you're thinking 'What's so great about an apron?'. But believe me when I say that an apron is my best friend when I work backstage. It holds everything I need in an emergency quick change situation.
And this was the gift from the producers. They are glacier technology zip up snow jacket/windbreaker things. They're waterproof and 3 season appropriate. Really awesome. And they have the logo on the sleeve!!
The show started at 6:30 and it went incredibly well. When the curtain went up, the applause lasted for about 2 minutes. The actors were having a great time and so was the crew. We all proceeded to get ready in little bits at a time during our breaks while the show went on. By the end of the show, all I had to do was get dressed and organize my clutch.
When the show finished, the actors rushed back to their dressing rooms to let us help them get undressed. They all started getting dressed and we, the wardrobe crew, went ahead and got the heck out of dodge. We proceeded to the site of the party, Tavern on the Green. The party was open-bar and there were numerous bars and food tables scattered throughout the restaurant. Celebrities were everywhere. It was amazing. Of course I had to snap a picture with Mo Rocca!!
Sort of fairy-tale like....
I dress 3 girls in the womens' ensemble. This is me, Yleana, and Arlene. They are two other dressers on the crew. Yleana dresses with me in the womens' ensemble while Arlene is with the male ensemble. 2 of my favorite new people.
This is Catherine, one of my 3 ladies.
Valisia, another....

And Sumayya completes my trio.
These ladies are some of the best in the room of 11 female ensemble members and I couldn't be happier or feel more blessed to be working with them. They constantly make me laugh and I have a great time with them.

This is Bryonha. I don't dress her but I love laughing with her. She's hysterical. She has an incredible voice and sings a big solo at the end of Act 1. She'll be famous some day so I had to grab her for a picture. It was a wonderful evening. I wish I could open a show every 3 months or so. So happy.