I see her last post was in May so let me fill you in as to what has been going on since then. As you probably know, Sam got laid off from her job at Tricorne because of the economy so we were both looking for some work over the summer. We found it at Marymount Drama Camp. It is at Marymount High School where I have been musically directing for the past two years. The camp lasted five weeks and we had a blast. I played for the little kids, ages 7-9, and Sam taught costumes/art to everyone, ages 7-9 and 10-13. She was also the camp photographer. The little kids did a 45 min version of Cinderella and the big kids did an hour and 15 min version of Beauty and the Beast. They were really good! (Sam will have to come in later and plug in some pictures:))
Then we went home to visit some family in AR for a week at the beginning of this month. We went to Gaston's fishing resort with my family and ate way too much and played way too many games of Trivial Pursuit. Then we went to Fort Smith to see Sam's family and ate way too much and played in their pool a lot! It was a much needed vacation. We only get to see our families at Christmas and maybe one other time in the year so it was very special to us.
Good news! Sam got her job back this week! She started back at Tricorne this last Monday and informed me that she had been away from the shop four months to the day. She is having to adjust to how the shop is structured now and how she fits into it. I love those Harpers but they don't like change! :)
I am writing this because I am home not spending money. NYU doesn't start classes again until Sep. 8 and I am laying low and teaching a few voice lessons until then. I'm also constantly trying to network and get on Broadway. I feel like I am always sending out some email or resume to some Musical Director or Conductor. It is so much like asking someone out on a date it is scary! You want to be assertive but not pushy. And you want them to remember you but not get a restraining order against you. Blarg!
I'm going so crazy in the house today that I'm taking myself to the Museum of Modern Art. Sam doesn't love the museum thing and especially not the modern art thing so I think it will be fun and she won't mind not being there. I have cleaned and cooked my fill for this week, although I really do enjoying being the house husband-shhh!
That's all for now. Thanks for reading!
PS-Go see Julie & Julia, the movie about Julia Child. We loved it!
OK, just one picture. This is my section of the Drama Camp when we went to see Shrek on Broadway. It really isn't that hard to keep up with 18 kids in NY. Makes you look at those tourists that are afraid of losing each other and smile...cause we used to be them!!